Most people living in the West may not have heard of Aijiu, (Moxibustion) And unfortunately have never heard of this traditional Chinese herbal remedy. Yet it is not something new to the West.
This natural remedy originated in China over 500 centuries ago. Korean and Japanese learnt this therapy and all other therapies included in Chinese medicine from ancient Chinese. Moxibustion and all other Chinese remedies spread throughout Asian countries.
According to historical records, moxibustion was used in Europe about 400 years ago.
The German physician Engelbert Kaempfer (1651-1716) recorded treating diseases with moxibustion and descriptions and illustrations of moxibustion in his work.
Baron Dominique-Jean Larrey (1766-1842), the French surgeon, (Napoleon’s surgeon general), used moxibustion to treat conditions during his military service and after.
It shows that aijiu, moxibustion, was used and made a contribution to people’s health in the West at that time.
Our mission is to see this powerful remedy benefit more and more people in the West and not let this incredible therapy fade into the realms of history.
All the cases listed are true. To protect our clients’ privacy, we do not quote their full names. If you would like to link any information contained here, please note you will require the express written permission of the original author.
Friday, 6 November 2015
Wednesday, 28 October 2015
Moxibustion can have good effects on recovery of damaged bone(s) — another case
Before reading the following article , we would like to state that we do not devalue any known effective therapies or medicines for helping patients’ conditions and rehabilitation. We just try to relay information about a powerful ancient Chinese natural remedy to people who would benefit and may like to try this complimentary therapy.
We have listed a few of our clients’ testimonials regarding their injuries healed with moxibustion self- treatment as outlined on a previous article. This is an additional case.
A lady who is 77 years old had a fracture in her right wrist this Summer. She decided to try the moxibustion self-treatment after the plaster had been removed. There was pain and swelling in her wrist at that time.
Here is a photo taken before the moxibustion self-treatment started.

Within four weeks, the pain in her wrist went away completely. The swelling came down quite a bit. Here is a photo taken at that time.

19 days after the second photo taken, the swelling was less again. She went back to see the surgeon at the local hospital on the day she took the photo below. They did x-Ray and physical examination on her wrist. Everything was fine, so the surgeon discharged her.
The photo below was taken on the day after she had left the hospital. (19 days after the second photo was taken.)

In general, functional recovery for stable fractures without complications can be six months and 1-2 years for complex fractures. Sometimes, even for younger people, some can still experience pain, stiffness, swelling, limited movements in related joints months after a fracture, let alone in a older person. Her wrist was pain free within four weeks after getting the cast off. In fact, she would have recovered even faster if she could have had the moxibustion self-treatment when she had the cast.
According to the cases we have known, moxibustion self- treatment is worth trying when people have bone damage. The faster they can recover from the fractures, the better for them to go back to their normal life, the less pain they would have to go through. It should be more economical, including time saving, for them too. People would not need to go anywhere and rely on anyone else or any devices for their damaged bone(s) rehabilitation so much as they would normally have to. Like this lady, her GP wanted to see her and thought that she may need to be referred to a physio for some treatment. However, she has been discharged by the surgeon at the hospital before her appointment with her GP!!!
When people can recover faster from their fractures or any other injuries or operations by having moxibustion home therapy safely, it would save medical resources for the whole society as well!
If any person who is unfortunate to have a fracture or recovering from a fracture and would like to try moxibustion treatment at home as well, if you want to discuss your case with us and get further instructions of how to do the self-treatment, please contact us.
The earlier you start it, the faster your fracture could heal and the less suffering you would need to experience and the sooner would you enjoy your normal life again!
You are welcome to sharing your story of trying this ancient Chinese magic remedy on this platform. Your successful experience would be helpful for other people who need this therapy in future.
Please note: The ways of doing moxibustion self-treatment with and without having a cast on can be very different. It’s important to consult a practitioner/doctor of traditional Chinese medicine experienced in helping people’s conditions with moxibustion therapy and get proper instruction before starting this home therapy. We are happy to tell anyone who would like to turn to us about the details of how to carry it out.
We have listed a few of our clients’ testimonials regarding their injuries healed with moxibustion self- treatment as outlined on a previous article. This is an additional case.
A lady who is 77 years old had a fracture in her right wrist this Summer. She decided to try the moxibustion self-treatment after the plaster had been removed. There was pain and swelling in her wrist at that time.
Here is a photo taken before the moxibustion self-treatment started.

Within four weeks, the pain in her wrist went away completely. The swelling came down quite a bit. Here is a photo taken at that time.

19 days after the second photo taken, the swelling was less again. She went back to see the surgeon at the local hospital on the day she took the photo below. They did x-Ray and physical examination on her wrist. Everything was fine, so the surgeon discharged her.
The photo below was taken on the day after she had left the hospital. (19 days after the second photo was taken.)

In general, functional recovery for stable fractures without complications can be six months and 1-2 years for complex fractures. Sometimes, even for younger people, some can still experience pain, stiffness, swelling, limited movements in related joints months after a fracture, let alone in a older person. Her wrist was pain free within four weeks after getting the cast off. In fact, she would have recovered even faster if she could have had the moxibustion self-treatment when she had the cast.
According to the cases we have known, moxibustion self- treatment is worth trying when people have bone damage. The faster they can recover from the fractures, the better for them to go back to their normal life, the less pain they would have to go through. It should be more economical, including time saving, for them too. People would not need to go anywhere and rely on anyone else or any devices for their damaged bone(s) rehabilitation so much as they would normally have to. Like this lady, her GP wanted to see her and thought that she may need to be referred to a physio for some treatment. However, she has been discharged by the surgeon at the hospital before her appointment with her GP!!!
When people can recover faster from their fractures or any other injuries or operations by having moxibustion home therapy safely, it would save medical resources for the whole society as well!
If any person who is unfortunate to have a fracture or recovering from a fracture and would like to try moxibustion treatment at home as well, if you want to discuss your case with us and get further instructions of how to do the self-treatment, please contact us.
The earlier you start it, the faster your fracture could heal and the less suffering you would need to experience and the sooner would you enjoy your normal life again!
You are welcome to sharing your story of trying this ancient Chinese magic remedy on this platform. Your successful experience would be helpful for other people who need this therapy in future.
Please note: The ways of doing moxibustion self-treatment with and without having a cast on can be very different. It’s important to consult a practitioner/doctor of traditional Chinese medicine experienced in helping people’s conditions with moxibustion therapy and get proper instruction before starting this home therapy. We are happy to tell anyone who would like to turn to us about the details of how to carry it out.
Thursday, 1 October 2015
Moxibustion can be very good to help speed up the healing of post operations, both internally and externally.
In one of my previous blogs, I mentioned one of the healing effects of moxibustion is: Promoting micro circulation which would disperse bruises and promote the healing of fractures, Wounds, incisions, hematoma, seroma, etc.
Would like to show the two photos from one of our clients who has only had two sessions of moxibustion treatment between 12 and 19 days after the operation, Laparoscopic cholecystectomy. This patient only started his moxibustion treatment 12 days after the operation and only got a chance to do the treatments twice within 7 days. There are bruises left on the patient’s right arm where the needle were kept during the operation.
1. Photo taken 3 days after the first session of moxibustion treatment, 15 days post operation.
2. Photo taken 5 days after the second session of moxibustion treatment, 21 days post operation.
The bruise went away quickly after the patient had done moxibustion treatment. When the incisions and bruises on the skin can recover better and faster, the wounds inwards should recover better and faster at the same time as well. It should be really worthwhile trying this natural ancient Chinese therapy so that patients would suffer less overall post operations.
Different acupuncture points may be involved with this moxibustion healing therapy due to different operations. But, there are some general points can be used for the overall recovery. It would be better to consult a practitioner of TCM who has the experience with this therapy to design a specific treatment plan for each individual.
Would like to see more people trying this therapy and get benefits post operation.
Please note: It’s not recommended to apply this treatment near the area where the stents, pace makers, meshes, artificial joints, or any other artificial devices etc inside your system.
Aijiu - Moxibustion & Skin conditions
Aijiu, known as moxibustion in English, can be good for some skin condiditons.
Here are some reports from our clients.
1. Ring warm
I contracted ringworm on my right forearm and was advised it would be difficult to cure even with the ointment prescribed. I chose to use moxibustion and instead and ten minutes treatment each day for ten days was all that was required for an effective cure.
F. R.
2. A wart
I have used moxa rolls very successfully for many different complaints with inflammatory arthritis, bruising joint injuries and has even cured ringworm. So, when I noticed that I had a wart, I thought why not try it for this too? I treated it several times a week and after a period of about eight weeks, it finally disappeared. So now I call the moxa rolls my magic wand!
3. Thrush
I would like to state that I had excellent results from the moxibustion treatment I received for thrush. It was very effective in treating this condition. I opted to try this treatment following the success and recommendation from a friend who had the same problem.
Thanks to Wei
A Satisfied customer 2013
4. Severe Acne
I have been suffering from severe acne for 20 years. Some of the lumps burst and bleed every now and then. There is puss come out sometimes. They are painful.
One of the lumps in my left hip kept bleeding and I had to wear plasters everyday for two years. The lumps under my armpits bleed every now and then for 5-6 years.
I came to Wei, a practitioner of traditional Chinese medicine, for some herbal treatments, including moxibustion treatment which Wei suggested me to do at home on daily basis. The bleeding is much improved within 3 weeks so that I do not need to wear plasters everyday.
Would like to continue the treatment to see more improvement.
R. McF.
R. McF.
Monday, 28 September 2015
When we talk about cancer treatments, the majority people would think of operation, chemotherapy and radiotherapy first. But, there are some people in China go for TCM, including Moxibustion, to treat cancers or reduce side effects from chemotherapy or radiotherapy as well. Especially, when either they can’t cope with the chemotherapy or radiotherapy or those standard treatments in western medicine can’t treat their conditions very well.
Here is a story of a Chinese cancer patient’s.
This lady is 71 years old. She got diagnosed with ovarian cancer, stage 1c, some time in March, 2014. She accepted standard three big operations at one time in one of the biggest cancer hospitals in China. She had three sessions of chemotherapy between April and June. But, unfortunately, she had got various serious complications from the operation and the chemotherapy. She had to give up the treatments in western medicine. She has been taking Chinese herbal medicine and doing Moxibustion self-treatment ever since.
One of the three operations she has had is called: pelvic lymph nodes dissection. Some of the patients who have had this operation could have cysts formed in pelvic lymph vessels. Some of the cysts could be very small and could be absorbed as time goes on, some could be big and the doctors of western medicine would need to drain the fluid in the cysts for the patients. The cysts could cause a lot of symptoms for patients, such as, swellings, aches and pains in pelvic area and vulgar and groins, difficulties in urination and bowel movements, swellings in legs, etc.. If the cysts still continued growing, then an operation for removing the cysts would be done by the doctors of western medicine.
This Chinese patient had a few cysts in lymph vessels beside both sides of the Iliac blood vessels. One of the cysts in her right side was very big and continued getting bigger and bigger. The specialist even said that it was very rare to see and she might need an operation to remove it if the fluid continued gathering there. The doctors drained the fluid in the cysts on both sides for her. According to the ultrasound scan result in June, the big cyst in her right side was turning into solid nodule without any obvious blood flow signal, the doctors told her that the cyst on her left side might be absorbed slowly and the right one would turn into solid mass and stay there for a long term.
By the end of June, the patient lost weight 5kg within 3 months, she sweated day and night, her appetite was very poor, hardly was she able to walk on her own. The reading of her haemoglobin was lower than the normal one. The oncologist decided not to continue any further chemotherapy on her until she can recover better from all the complications she had got. But, she still needed to have regular check ups, such as, blood tests, ultrasound scan, etc., once a month or every two months.
It seems that she only can rely on TCM, including moxibustion self-treatment, to extend her life after giving up the chemotherapy. Apart from taking Chinese herbal drinks everyday, she took my advice and did moxibustion self-treatment on some acupuncture points on her back, her tummy, her arms and legs once a day or once every other day. I said to her that the moxibustion treatment is good for the energy and blood flow and I had helped some clients have internal organ and tissues damage, fracture, bruises, etc. with it. The treatment should help her to recover faster and the cysts and the solid mass should get helped better when the local energy and blood flow can be promoted.
She had check ups twice since the end of June. Once In August, once in October. The blood tests results are good. The information below is the results of her two ultrasound scans’.
August October
Cyst in the left
One cystic nodule, size 4x2cm. No cyst or mass shown.
Cyst in the right
One solid mass, size 5x7cm. No cyst or mass shown.
A little cystic area. No blood flow signal.
As we can see, the solid mass disappeared in two months!!! The Chinese doctors of western medicine had told her that the solid mass would be there for a long term. Moxibustion self-treatment played an important role in the healing of it. Chinese herbal drinks were important for the overall healing as well.
The patient has put on weight 5kg in four months, the sweat has stopped. She can do more exercises outdoors on her own by then.
The patient has put on weight 5kg in four months, the sweat has stopped. She can do more exercises outdoors on her own by then.
As far as we have known, that there are quite a number of cancer patients in China have chosenTCM treatments to help their conditions and extend their lives. They can survive with a good quality of life. Every cancer patient and his or her family would need to face a difficult decision to make: to go for chemotherapy / radiotherapy or not. Some cancer patients might want to try other things as some extra help along with taking chemotherapy / radiotherapy.
Hope this patient’s story could give other cancer patients an idea of what might be worth to try in the future apart from standard treatments in western medicine.
No matter western medicine or TCM, as long as it can extend cancer patients’ life, especially give them a good quality of life, would be worth to take into account.
Would like to see this story could inspire more cancer patients to try TCM, including moxibustion self-treatment, no matter they are on chemotherapy and/ or radiotherapy or not, and get good effects from it.
Aijiu - Moxibustion & bladder control
This ancient Chinese remedy can be helpful for people have urinary system conditions.
It's important to consult a practitioner of traditional Chinese medicine who is very experienced with helping conditions with moxibustion.
Aijiu - Moxibustion can help some urinary system conditions.
Here is a client's story:
Bladder control
I have a bladder problem for a long time and over the years of problems up into the Bladder. I lost control of it. I could not wait to go to the toilet and I leaked. Night time was the worse. 2 or 3 times a night I would go to the toilet and I loss my proper sleep. I tried Moxibustion as DR Wang suggested it would work and I could do it myself at home. After 2 weeks, there was no change. Week 3, I found that I could hold on and not rush to the toilet and was up to 1 or 2 times per night. Week 4, improved even more, could control Bladder Better and night time was down to 4 nights a week. Week 5, good Bladder control and night 1 – 2 time a week and keep getting Better.
I highly recommend this ancient Chinese therapy to anyone.
P. B.
This testimonial was written by the client about three years ago. This client hasn't been bothered with the condition again, so far.
Aijiu - Moxibustion can have very good effects on injuries. According what we have seen, it can help people have injuries, including fractures to recover faster and suffer less.
Hope our clients' stories can convince more people suffer from injuries or fractures to try this self-treatment and recover well. It would save a lot of medical resources for the society as well if patients can recover faster.
1. Ligaments and tendons damaged
I was helping my grandson to move house and a very heavy piece of equipment fell on my hand and burst open my finger.
My son took me to hospital, where we waited 6 hours to have the finger stitched. Hospital said that the ligaments and tendons very badly damaged. And that I may not have movement in the finger again.N
My wife was using moxa rolls at the time. Dr. Wang suggested to me to use the moxa rolls on my finger which I did every day to help ligaments and tendons to heal.In less than 3 months, my finger was perfectly healed and full movement restored.
I also do moxibustion treatment for another long standing condition successfully.
W. G. S
2. Thumb injury
Dear Dr. Wang,
I would like to thank you for introducing me to Moxibustion treatment with the use of Moxa burning rolls. I was quite sceptical in the beginning but was amazed at its healing powers when used in conjunction with your instructions.
As you know I had a severe crush injury on my right hand thumb with a blackened nail and an oozing unfriendly looking cut on both sides of the thumb. Until I used the Moxa rolls I could see no improvement for many weeks but after a few treatments the cut was drying out and was healing amazingly quick and within only a week the cut was nearly healed and was able to use the thumb without dressings. My nail is still in the process of growing back but due to the Moxibustion treatment I feel the healing process was very much faster and with less distortion on m new nail. I will always have a moxa roll in my medicine cabinet now for treatment of cuts etc.
I am delighted to be able to tell you the good news and will certainly spread the word about your Traditional Chinese treatment.
Thank you.
M. L.
3. Index finger injury
I accidentally jammed my index finger in an electric grass sheavers. It was very painful and the whole end of the finger above the first joint became bruised and discoloured immediately. I started to use moxa rolls and continued twice a day and after only a few days the pain and discolouration began to reduce and very quickly healed.
J. R.
4. Open wound
I cut approximately one to one and half inches long and one mm deep off my index finger while doing wood craft work with a very sharp knife. My daughter took me to A& E in the hospital.
They could not stitch the wound as there was no flesh meeting, the flesh was gone. Doctors advised nurses to clean and dress the wound, I was advised to return to hospital one week later as the doctor wanted to see this wound because I am diabetic therefore difficult to heal. I was told to attend local treatment room at G.P. centre every second day to have it cleaned and dressed. It was very painful yet sometimes numb it varied.
After two weeks there was no sign whatsoever of healing even beginning, everyone including my family was getting anxious. A friend of my sister-in-law, a doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Wei Wang, sent me a herbal cigar (moxa roll) with
instructions how to use. I lit the item which did resemble a normal cigar. When I lit it a burning glow and heat was created. I was to hold it as close as safe towards the wound for a several minutes at a time.
The amazing results were, the wound had now begun healing from the very first treatment and I could see it work and in a few days the result of healing was tremendous. I thank Wei for her consideration and the moxibustion self-treatment which healed so rapidly.
W. Moore
5. Fracture
Having fractured a metatarsal I attended A+E at my local hospital. I was told to expect two weeks of pain and a further four weeks of discomfort, however, following moxibustion treatment twice daily for 10 days, as recommended by Wei, I was thoroughly surprised by the shortened recovery time for this injury. The toe, which had swollen significantly and was badly discoloured with bruising, returned to a more normal colour after only 2 days of treatment as the bruising healed. The swelling took a few weeks to subside but after one week the sharpness of the pain was gone and after a further week the discomfort was sufficiently lessened to allow unrestricted movement and exercise.
Many thanks.
G. Oswick
6. Cheekbone Ecchymoma
I attended Lotus in August after having a fall severe bruising to my face, Wei suggested moxibustion and as soon as I started using this I noticed a difference overnight. Within 1-2 weeks the bruising had disappeared. I stopped using the sticks and still had a slight bump on the bone which I was told would take months to settle. Wei advised me to start the moxibustion again and in the space of a weekend my work colleagues noticed an improvement in the swelling.
To get the best of the treatment you really need to adhere strictly to the instructions of using it twice a day. I noticed the difference if you only used it now and again and when used twice a day for several days. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend moxibustion for bruising, swelling and injury, and indeed when reading up on this medicine it has been proven to turn a breech baby and can help in infertility which I found amazing. I feel it’s just a shame they don’t use traditional Chinese medicine and conventional medicine together as they do in hospitals in China.
A. Craig
November 2013
Aijiu - Moxibustion & Digestive system conditions
Aijiu - Moxibustion can help some digestive system conditions.
Here are two cases below:
1. I had diarrhoea day and night for 17 days. Medications from my GP could not get it stopped. A friend of mine who was a patient of DR Wang’s introduced me to Dr Wang. Doctor Wang suggested moxibustion treatment.
After the 1st treatment, I went to bed and slept for 9 hours. On rising at 8am, I had slight diarrhoea twice. Then gradually everything started to improve. I had 1st treatment on Tuesday evening and was able to go shopping on Friday.
We had a family celebration on the Sunday which I did not think I would be able to attend. But, by doing moxibustion treatments from Tuesday to Friday, I was able to attend.
I would certainly recommend this treatment from my experience. I rang DR Wang to say a big thank you.
2. This is for testimony that Dr. Wei is a very competent, caring therapist:
I had a strong diarrhoea for one month. I was taking Imodium pills and antispstics to calm my stomach, but nothing was working. I came to Dr. Wei to have some relief. She did a complete history of my problems. Then she applied acupuncture. The day after diarrhoea stopped.
I am now in treatment using Moxibustion. I feel a lot of comfort for my stomach and chest. I will continue therapy with Dr. Wei and I recommend her for any patient needs a relief from illness.
Dr. Luck, PhD
Moxibustion & Arthritis
Moxibustion can be some help for people suffer from arthritis. See what ours clients say.
1. Moxibustion (Ai Jiu) and Me (Part I)
I have suffered with back problems for many years. These problems are muscular arthritis and a badly twisted spine with Spondylolysis and very poor circulation which I have suffered from all my life.
I injured my feet about five years ago and developed chronic tendonitis. I have had chronic tendonitis in my hands as well. I attended my doctor with these problems but was referred on to specialist clinics, physiotherapists. But, in the end, they were unable to do anything for me to improve my standard of life and suggested that the only solution was strong pain killers with awful side effects.
I was housebound for two years and spending most of my time in bed until I met my Chinese doctor, Doctor Wang, by the end of October 2011. After a careful and thorough examination, she recommended that moxibustion treatment would be very beneficial for my condition.
I have noticed a great reduction in my pain levels and my circulation has also improved. During and after the treatment, my whole body experiences a warm feeling especially down my legs and into my feet and also down my arms into my hands. This has steadily improved as the months have passed. A skin tag which I had on my body for a number of years has dropped off after doing this self-treatment for a few months.
The beauty of this treatment is you can administer it in your own home on a daily basis and it is also very inexpensive. I usually have the treatment about 5 times per week and have found it very beneficial. As well as helping to reduced the pain and swelling in the muscles. I am able to do a few exercises which is helping to make my body more supple and also notice the condition of my skin and veins have improved.
For the past five months, I have managed to go short journeys in the car and even manage to visit the local shops which is wonderful having been housebound for so long. It is great to get out and meet a few people and have a chat.
I am very happy with my progress so far and look forward to further improvement as I continue with my moxibustion treatment.
B. McC.
September 2012
2. Moxibustion and Me (Part II)
Further to my first testimonial of approximately 2 years ago, I would like to state that I have been making steady progress, even though I’m now aged 74 years.
Regular moxibustion self-treatment has alleviated my severe back and hip problems, i.e. arthritis and twisted spine with spondylolysis and very poor circulation which I have suffered from all my life. I have also tendonitis in both my feet and hands.
My body has become stronger and more supple. I have been able to do light exercises and the pain in my body has lessened.
I was using the moxibustion five or six days each week to help relieve the pain and improve my energy levels. Now, with the current improvement, I have been able to reduce to four or three days each week.
I can remain out of bed for fourteen hours each day and can travel for longer journeys by car. Had train journey today — this was my first train journey for over eight years.
I have had a fungal infection in my left thumb nail for approximately seven years which my doctor treated with all the usual drugs — but failed to clear it. Now after Doctor Wei recommended a poultice of the mugwort herb which I have been using for almost six months the infection has cleared and healthy nail has once more returned.
The process for moxibustion self-treatment can cause a certain amount of smoke and smell from the herb when lit. I use mine in the bedroom and with the window open. This quickly disappears after use. Doctor Wei comes to my home once a week but on the other days my husband had to help me as my hands were so weak and still for the first two years. Since then, I have been able to manage the treatment on my own. I will be eternally grateful to him as he had bowel cancer from years ago and had to go through major surgery and chemotherapy about a year before I started moxibustion. He never complained about the smell or the smoke from the herb and was and still is very supportive of my treatment which has now enabled us to enjoy each other’s company in the outside world once more.
The process for moxibustion self-treatment can cause a certain amount of smoke and smell from the herb when lit. I use mine in the bedroom and with the window open. This quickly disappears after use. Doctor Wei comes to my home once a week but on the other days my husband had to help me as my hands were so weak and still for the first two years. Since then, I have been able to manage the treatment on my own. I will be eternally grateful to him as he had bowel cancer from years ago and had to go through major surgery and chemotherapy about a year before I started moxibustion. He never complained about the smell or the smoke from the herb and was and still is very supportive of my treatment which has now enabled us to enjoy each other’s company in the outside world once more.
B. McC
September, 2014
3. Rheumatoid condition
For about the past six years, I have had a rheumatoid condition, causing me muscular and joint problems, such as swelling, aches, pain and stiffness. My neck , shoulders, back and knees are all affected and tying to get some relief from the symptoms has become a major task.
About two years ago, I tried moxibustion treatment initially for my lower back pain. Within about ten minutes, the pain eased and this effect lasted for about two days. I then began to use this treatment at home for all my aches and pain and stiffness and swelling in my joints and muscles.
About two years ago, I tried moxibustion treatment initially for my lower back pain. Within about ten minutes, the pain eased and this effect lasted for about two days. I then began to use this treatment at home for all my aches and pain and stiffness and swelling in my joints and muscles.
The heat penetrates really deeply and seems to be able to target the spot where it is most needed.
It is particularly beneficial and relaxing when you find an experienced practitioner of TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) to do the treatment for you.
I would definitely recommend this natural ancient Chinese remedy, moxibustion (Ai Jiu) to anyone who wants effective pain relief without having to resort to pain killers
J. R.
4. Knee pain
I had inflammation on my left knee. I used the moxa stick only one time for 10 minutes. The pain and inflammation went away and did not have any discomfort there any more.
Dr. Luck, PhD
Ureter, urethra, bladder could get injured during some surgeries which would cause the patient’s extreme mental and physical pain. Sometimes, it could lead even more serious consequences.
There are not many reports on any kinds of natural therapy has helped this type of damage recover well and fast can be found on line. We have helped a client successfully. Here is her brief story.
APRIL, 2013
Aijiu (艾灸) - Moxibustion - Powerful ancient Chinese therapy
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is a big treasure for human’s well-being. Apart from acupuncture, it includes other powerful therapies as well. There are more and more people in the west have known that acupuncture can help various conditions. But, there is another very effective therapy in TCM hasn’t been known so well as acupuncture in the West yet. What is it? It is called Aijiu,艾灸,also known as Moxibustion in English.
I would like to see people worldwide get lots more information about Aijiu, 艾灸,Moxibustion, on this blog and hope some of them can get benefits by trying this ancient Chinese remedy. I would also hope that this blog can be a platform for people worldwide who would like to try this effective treatment and to exchange their experiences with this wonderful remedy as well.
I would like to see people worldwide get lots more information about Aijiu, 艾灸,Moxibustion, on this blog and hope some of them can get benefits by trying this ancient Chinese remedy. I would also hope that this blog can be a platform for people worldwide who would like to try this effective treatment and to exchange their experiences with this wonderful remedy as well.
It’s really not so many years past , that most of the westerners hardly knew very much about what acupuncture is and what health benefits it had. As time went on, the more people tried it and got good results from it, the more attention was drawn to the conventional doctors and scientists in the west. Nowadays, the World Health Organisation (WHO) also have listed conditions can be helped by acupuncture on their official website. It’s not easy for everyone to do acupuncture treatment on his or her own. But, Moxibustion is a powerful therapy can be carried out at home in a proper way which makes it more economical especially for people who need frequent and long term treatment.
The more people know about this unique Chinese therapy — moxibustion, try it and get benefits from it, in the long run, the more research on it would be done worldwide and the more attention would be drawn to the scientists and doctors of western medicine. If the could do more research on it and see that moxibustion can be effective on various ailments and conditions, then, there would be more people worldwide would try it and get benefits from it.
No matter how good a therapy could be, it still doesn’t mean that it would be a cure for all the ailments and diseases. If someone had tried moxibustion treatment for a little while and couldn’t see any benefits, it would be important to keep searching for some other remedies which could be right for his or her condition(s).
We would like to receive more feedbacks from people who have come across this blog and tried this ancient Chinese therapy — Aijiu (艾灸), moxibustion.
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