Saturday, 24 September 2016

Moxibustion for Tendonitis

The following case story is from one of our clients.
I developed tendonitis causing a big hard lump and causing pains and restricting movement in my right arm three years ago.
After 3 months of treatment of massage oil and rotating a heated moxa herb stick around the affected area, the inflammation has gone and the flexibility has returned to my arm.
Chinese herbal medicine certainly worked for me. I would recommend any sufferer to visit my practitioner of traditional Chinese medicine  Wei Wang.

                                                                                                            C.M.C.  Ballymoney

Thursday, 22 September 2016

Moxibustion & the 16th Chinese Solar Term

The sixteenth Chinese Solar Term is called 'Qiu Fen', The Autumn Equinox. The equal length of day and night. It's the 4th Solar Term in Autumn of the year. It arrives on 22/09/2016.
Among the 24 Chinese Solar Terms each year, the most important four Solar Terms are: 'Chun Fen, the Spring Equinox'; 'Xia Zhi, the Summer Solstice'; 'Qiu Fen, the Autumn Equinox' and 'Dong Zhi, the Winter Solstice'. The Solar Term we are talking about here is one of the most important four Solar Terms of the year.
In Northern Hemisphere, after this day, the Yang Qi (Yang Energy) decreases and the Ying Qi (Yin Energy) increases more and more. It is manifested as the day gets shorter and shorter and the night gets longer and longer. Temperature wise, it gets colder and colder.
Human correspondence with Nature. The Yang Qi (Yang Energy) in human body sinks in and the Yin Qi (Yin Energy) rises even more in Northern Hemisphere after this day. It's important for people have chronic conditions to add clothes and stay warm from now on.

The following acupuncture points could be used with moxibustion therapy for regimen and healthcare in this season.
He Gu, also known as 'LI 4'
Nei Guan, also known as 'P 6, Pericardium 6'
Guan Yuan, also known as ‘CV 4’
Zu San Li, also known as 'ST 36', 'Stomach 36'

Wednesday, 14 September 2016

Acupuncture can be effective for fertility

The news at the following link shows that acupuncture can be effective for helping infertilty. So can moxibustion and Chinese herbal medicine. These therapies of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) are used for helping threatened miscarriage/ threatened abortion and have effectiveness in China as well.

Hope more women, worldwide, have the same conditions can get help with the natural therapies of TCM in future.

Wednesday, 7 September 2016

Moxibustion & the 15th Chinese Solar Term

The fifteenth Chinese Solar Term is called 'Bai Lu', 'The white dew'. The temperature drops sharply enough to reach dew point during this period of time. It's the 3rd solar term in Autumn of the year. It's  on 07/09/2016.
In Nature, the temperature difference between the day and night gets bigger. It's important to increase or decrease in a timely manner according to temperature change clothes, have one more layer in early mornings and evenings than during the day
The following acupuncture points could be used with moxibustion therapy for regimen and healthcare in this season.
Da Zhui, also known as 'GV 14'
Fei Shu, also known as 'BL 13', 'UB 13'
Gan Shu, also known as 'BL18', 'UB18'
Pi Shu, also known as ‘BL 20’, ‘UB 20’
Shen Shu, also known as ‘BL 23’, ‘UB 23'
Guan Yuan, also known as ‘CV 4’
Zu San Li, also known as 'ST 36', 'Stomach 36'