Monday, 21 November 2016

Moxibustion & the 20th Chinese Solar Term

The twentieth Chinese Solar Term is called "Xiao Xue", also known as 'The lesser snow'. Snow begins to fall. Temperatures plunge and start to be lower than zero degree Celsius around this time. The first snow of the Winter usually comes in some places in China around this day.  It's the second Solar term in Winter of the year. In the Northern Hemisphere, it will be  on 22/11/2016. Actually, the first snow of this Winter has arrived in Beijing and some places in China on 21/11/2016 already.
The following acupuncture points could be used with moxibustion therapy for regimen and healthcare in this period of time.

Zhi Yang, also known as 'GV 9'

Shen Shu, also known as ‘BL-23’, ‘UB 23’
Dan Zhong, also known as ‘CV 17’
Shen Que, also known as ‘Spirit Gate’, ‘CV 8’, ‘Ren-08’
Guan Yuan, also known as ‘CV 4’, ‘Ren-04’, ‘Origin pass’, ‘Gate of the source’
San Yin Jiao, also known as ‘SP 6’
Yong Quan, also known as ‘ KD 1’, ‘KI-01’, ‘Gushing Spring’, ‘Bubbling well’

Friday, 18 November 2016

Another case report: Could Moxibustion be any help of the dizziness caused by Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo ?

Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) is also called "Benign positional vertigo", "Otolithiasis". It's one of the most common causes of vertigo. It can cause brief episodes of intense dizziness when a patient's certain head positions or movements. The sudden sensation of spinning is generally thought to be caused by tiny solid  fragments (Otoconia) in the inner ear labyrinth.
Sometimes, some people can be suffering from this conditions for months each time when it flares up. We posted a case report regarding  one of our clients tried the moxibustion self-treatment and got relief from this condition.
Another client of ours has tried the moxibustion self-treatment to get relief from this condition when it flared up again.
MS. M., dizziness and nausea caused by Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo flared up suddenly on 15/10/2016. The dizziness and nausea got worse when she was trying to turn to left. She couldn't lie down on her left side at all. She decided to follow our instruction and do the moxibustion self-treatment as some help while she was waiting for the appointment of seeing an ENT doctor in the hospital on 17/10/2016. The symptoms were getting less in two days. She continued doing moxibustion self-treatment after seeing the ENT specialist and having some treatment done at the hospital as the symptoms were still there a little bit. All her symptoms went away completely and she could lie down on her left side again on 22/10/2016.
Hope this case report can be some helpful information for people suffer from this condition.

Monday, 7 November 2016

Moxibustion & the 19th Chinese Solar Term

The nineteenth Chinese Solar Terms is called 'Li Doing', also known as 'the start of Winter'. In the northern hemisphere, this is the first solar term in Winter of the year. It arrives on 07/10/2016.

In the northern hemisphere, The Yin Qi (Ying Energy) gets a lot stronger. The coldness is more noticeable than it is in Autumn. All the plants and animals tend to store energy and avoid coldness for the next Spring. There is correspondence between man and the Nature. The Yang Qi (Yang Energy) in human body descends and stores deeply inside. It's the start of the best period of time to nurse the system back to health, especially for people have chronic conditions, of the year.

This is the start of the season for people to do moxibustion treatment/ moxibustion self-treatment and/or some other traditional  natural Chinese therapies to regulate the function of the system and modulate immunity and to cure/treat some chronic conditions flare up more in Summer and prevent those conditions getting worse in Summer, this method is also known as " Summer diseases get cared in Winter". For example, if someone had hay fever every Spring and Summer could have some moxibustion treatments or moxibustion self treatment to Moxibustion therapy could be a helpful option for people have sub-health in Winter as well.

The following acupuncture points could be used with moxibustion therapy for regimen and healthcare in this period of time.

Da Zhui, also known as 'GV 14'

Shen Shu, also known as 'BL-23', 'UB 23'

Dan Zhong, also known as 'CV 17'

Shen Que, also known as 'Spirit Gate', 'CV 8', 'Ren-08'

Guan Yuan, also known as 'CV 4', 'Ren-04', 'Origin pass', 'Gate of the source'

Zu San Li, also known as 'ST 36', 'Stomach 36'

San Yin Jiao, also known as 'SP 6'

Yong Quan, also known as ' KD 1', 'KI-01', 'Gushing Spring', 'Bubbling well'