Friday, 22 December 2017

Moxibustion & The 22nd Chinese Solar Term -- Dong Zhi

The twenty-second Chinese Solar Term is called 'Dong Zhi', also known as 'Winter  Solstice'. In China, from  this day, people count 9 days as a period. The third and fourth nine-day periods are the coldest time of the Winter. After 9 nine-day periods, 81 days from the Winter Solstice, the winter of the year will end the Spring of the new year will arrive. One of the traditional Chinese customs is that people would start to take more tonics along with food and drinks to nourish the energy and blood of the body. It is the fourth Solar Term in Winter of the year. It arrives on 22/12/2017.
In the Northern Hemisphere, The Yin energy reaches its peak in a year. The shortest daytime and the longest nighttime of a year. The Yin Qi (Yin Energy) in human body reaches the peak as well. One of the most important theories in traditional Chinese  medicine (TCM) is that there is correspondence between human and nature. The energy changes in Nature and man are mutually responsive.
It's the time of a year for people to do moxibustion treatment/ moxibustion self-treatment and/or some other Chinese remedies, including herbal treatment and Qi Gong (Chi Kung) exercises to consolidate renal, replenish vital essence and modulate immunity and to cure/treat some chronic conditions and prevent some conditions getting worse and restore the vital life force better for next year. Moxibustion therapy could be a helpful option for people have sub-health in Winter as well.
The following acupuncture points could be used with moxibustion therapy for regimen and healthcare in this season.
Shen Que, also known as 'Spirit Gate', 'CV 8, CV-8', 'Ren 8'

Guan Yuan, also known as 'CV 4', 'Ren 4', 'Gate of origin', 'Origin pass'

Zu San Li, also known as 'ST 36, ST-36' 

San Yin Jiao, also known as 'Spleen 6, SP-6'

Thursday, 7 December 2017

Moxibustion & The 21st Chinese Solar Term -- Da Xue

The twenty-first Chinese solar term is called "Da Xue", also known as 'The heavier snow' in English. The weather gets even colder and it's more possible to have snow than the first two solar terms in Winter each year. It's the third Solar term in Winter of the year. It arrives on 07/12/2017.
In northern hemisphere, temperatures fall further. It's important to keep warm from head to toes, especially for older people and people who have chronic conditions.
The following acupuncture points could be used with moxibustion therapy for regimen and healthcare in this period of time.
Zhi Yang, also known as 'GV 9'
Shen Shu, also known as ‘BL-23’, ‘UB 23’
Shen Que, also known as ‘Spirit Gate’, ‘CV 8’, ‘Ren-08’
Guan Yuan, also known as ‘CV 4’, ‘Ren-04’, ‘Origin pass’, ‘Gate of the source’
Nei Guan, also known as 'P6'
San Yin Jiao, also known as ‘SP 6’
Yong Quan, also known as ‘ KD 1’, ‘KI-01’, ‘Gushing Spring’, ‘Bubbling well’

Tuesday, 21 November 2017

Moxibustion & The 20th Chinese Solar Term -- Xiao Xue

 The twentieth Chinese Solar Term is called "Xiao Xue", also known as 'The lesser snow'. Snow begins to fall. Temperatures plunge and start to be lower than zero degree Celsius around this time. The first snow of the Winter usually comes in some places in China around this day. It's the second Solar term in Winter of the year. In the Northern Hemisphere, it will be on 22/11/2017.

The following acupuncture points could be used with moxibustion therapy for regimen and healthcare in this period of time.
Zhi Yang, also known as 'GV 9'
Shen Shu, also known as ‘BL-23’, ‘UB 23’
Dan Zhong, also known as ‘CV 17’
Shen Que, also known as ‘Spirit Gate’, ‘CV 8’, ‘Ren-08’
Guan Yuan, also known as ‘CV 4’, ‘Ren-04’, ‘Origin pass’, ‘Gate of the source’
San Yin Jiao, also known as ‘SP 6’
Yong Quan, also known as ‘ KD 1’, ‘KI-01’, ‘Gushing Spring’, ‘Bubbling well’

Moxibustion & The 19th Chinese Solar Term -- Li Dong

The nineteenth Chinese Solar Terms is called 'Li Doing', also known as 'the start of Winter'. In the northern hemisphere, this is the first solar term in Winter of the year. It arrives on 07/11/2017.
In the northern hemisphere, The Yin Qi (Ying Energy) gets a lot stronger. The coldness is more noticeable than it is in Autumn. All the plants and animals tend to store energy and avoid coldness for the next Spring. There is correspondence between man and the Nature. The Yang Qi (Yang Energy) in human body descends and stores deeply inside. It's the start of the best period of time of the year to nurse the system back to health, especially for people have chronic conditions.
This is the start of the season for people to do moxibustion treatment/ moxibustion self-treatment and/or some other traditional  natural Chinese therapies to regulate the function of the system and modulate immunity and to cure/treat some chronic conditions flare up more in Summer and prevent those conditions getting worse in Summer, this method is also known as " Summer diseases get cared in Winter". For example, if someone had hay fever every Spring and Summer could have some moxibustion treatments or moxibustion self treatment to Moxibustion therapy could be a helpful option for people have sub-health in Winter as well.

The following acupuncture points could be used with moxibustion therapy for regimen and healthcare in this period of time.
Da Zhui, also known as 'GV 14'
Shen Shu, also known as 'BL-23', 'UB 23'
Dan Zhong, also known as 'CV 17'
Shen Que, also known as 'Spirit Gate', 'CV 8', 'Ren-08'
Guan Yuan, also known as 'CV 4', 'Ren-04', 'Origin pass', 'Gate of the source'
Zu San Li, also known as 'ST 36', 'Stomach 36'
San Yin Jiao, also known as 'SP 6'
Yong Quan, also known as ' KD 1', 'KI-01', 'Gushing Spring', 'Bubbling well'

Moxibustion & The 18th Chinese Solar Term -- Shuang Jiang

The eighteenth Chinese Solar Term is called "Shuang Jiang", also known as ' The frost decent' in English. It's the 6th solar term and the last one as well in Autumn of the year. In general, in the northern hemisphere, the frost begins to form. It comes on 23/10/2017.
In the northern hemisphere, this period of time is the transition phase from Autumn to Winter. In Nature, the temperature difference between day and night gets bigger. It is important to add more layers from now on to stay warm, especially, to keep the waist, legs and feet warm. And the key for health maintenance is to regulate the energy of spleen and stomach.
The following acupuncture points could be used with moxibustion therapy for regimen and healthcare in this season.
Da Zhui, also known as ‘GV 14’
Fei Shu, also known as ‘BL-13’, ‘UB 13’
Pi Shu, also known as 'BL-20', 'UB 20'
Shen Shu, also known as ‘BL-23’, ‘UB 23′
Dan Zhong, also known as 'CV 17'
Guan Yuan, also known as ‘CV 4’
Nei Guan, also known as 'P6'
Zu San Li, also known as ‘ST 36’, ‘Stomach 36’

Saturday, 7 October 2017

Moxibustion & the 17th Chinese Solar Term -- Han Lu

The seventeenth Chinese Solar Term is called 'Han Lu', 'The cold dew'. In the northern hemisphere, the weather gets cold enough to reach the points between dew and frost from now on. It's the 5th Solar Term in Autumn of the year. It occurs on 08/10/2017.

In the northern hemisphere, the temperature drops even more than two weeks ago. The Yin Qi (Yin Energy) increases and Yang Qi (Yang Energy) converges and descends continuously in Nature. This applies to Yin Qi ( Yin Energy) and Yang Qi (Yang Energy) in human body. The body temperature gets lower than Spring and Summer. It's important to stay warm, especially to keep feet warm from now on.

The following acupuncture points could be used with moxibustion therapy for regimen and healthcare in this season.
Da Zhui, also known as 'GV 14'
Fei Shu, also known as 'BL 13', 'UB 13'

Shen Shu, also known as ‘BL 23’, ‘UB 23'

Zhong Wan, also known as 'CV 12', , 'Ren 12', 'Central Venter'

Guan Yuan, also known as ‘CV 4’

Zu San Li, also known as 'ST 36', 'Stomach 36'

San Yin Jiao, also known as 'SP 6',

Yong Quan, also known as 'KD 1', 'Gushing Spring', 'BubblingWell'

Saturday, 23 September 2017

Moxibustion & the 16th Chinese Solar Term -- Qiu Fen

The sixteenth Chinese Solar Term is called 'Qiu Fen', The Autumn Equinox. The equal length of day and night. It's the 4th Solar Term in Autumn of the year. It arrives on 23/09/2017.
Among the 24 Chinese Solar Terms each year, the most important four Solar Terms are: 'Chun Fen, the Spring Equinox'; 'Xia Zhi, the Summer Solstice'; 'Qiu Fen, the Autumn Equinox' and 'Dong Zhi, the Winter Solstice'. The Solar Term we are talking about here is one of the most important four Solar Terms of the year.
In Northern Hemisphere, after this day, the Yang Qi (Yang Energy) decreases and the Ying Qi (Yin Energy) increases more and more. It is manifested as the day gets shorter and shorter and the night gets longer and longer. Temperature wise, it gets colder and colder.
Human correspondence with Nature. The Yang Qi (Yang Energy) in human body sinks in and the Yin Qi (Yin Energy) rises even more in Northern Hemisphere after this day. It's important for people have chronic conditions to add clothes and stay warm from now on.
The following acupuncture points could be used with moxibustion therapy for regimen and healthcare in this season.
He Gu, also known as 'LI 4'
Nei Guan, also known as 'P 6, Pericardium 6'
Guan Yuan, also known as ‘CV 4’

Zu San Li, also known as 'ST 36', 'Stomach 36'

Thursday, 7 September 2017

Moxibustion & the 15th Chinese Solar Term -- Bai Lu

The fifteenth Chinese Solar Term is called 'Bai Lu', 'The white dew'. The temperature drops sharply enough to reach dew point during this period of time. It's the 3rd solar term in Autumn of the year. It's on 07/09/2017.
In Nature, the temperature difference between the day and night gets bigger. It's important to increase or decrease in a timely manner according to temperature change clothes, have one more layer in early mornings and evenings than during the day.
The following acupuncture points could be used with moxibustion therapy for regimen and healthcare in this season.
Da Zhui, also known as 'GV 14'
Fei Shu, also known as 'BL 13', 'UB 13'

Gan Shu, also known as 'BL18', 'UB18'

Pi Shu, also known as ‘BL 20’, ‘UB 20’

Shen Shu, also known as ‘BL 23’, ‘UB 23'

Guan Yuan, also known as ‘CV 4’

Zu San Li, also known as 'ST 36', 'Stomach 36'

Wednesday, 23 August 2017

Moxibustion & The 14th Chinese Solar Term -- Chu Shu

The fourteenth Chinese Solar Term is called 'Chu Shu', the end of heat. The hot Summer ends completely. It's the 2nd solar term in Autumn of the year. It starts on 23/08/2017.

In Nature, this is the transition period for the temperature changes from hot to cold. The human beings are in correspondence with the Universe. This is the transition period for the Yang Qi (Yang Energy) and  Yin Qi (Ying Energy) changes in human body as well.

The following acupuncture points could be used with moxibustion therapy for regimen and healthcare in this season.

Da Zhui, also known as 'GV 14'

Xin Shu, also known as 'BL 15', 'UB 15'

Pi Shu, also known as ‘BL 20’, ‘UB 20’

Shen Shu, also known as ‘BL 23’, ‘UB 23'

Guan Yuan, also known as ‘CV 4’

Zu San Li, also known as 'ST 36', 'Stomach 36'

Monday, 7 August 2017

Moxibustion & the 13th Chinese Solar Term -- Li Qiu

The thirteenth Chinese Solar Term is called 'Li Qiu', 'The beginning of Autumn'. The leaves of trees starts to fall. The Yang energy in Nature descents. It comes on 07/08/2017.
The Yin Qi, also known as Yin Energy, in nature gets stronger slowly and steadily. And the Yang Qi, also known as Yang Energy, descents gradually in the mean time. This is applicable to the Yin and Yang energies in human body as well. This is the starting time to store Yang Qi for Autumn and Winter.
The following acupuncture points could be used with moxibustion therapy for regimen and healthcare in this season.
Da Zhui, also known as 'GV 14'
Pi Shu, also known as ‘BL 20’, ‘UB 20’
Shen Shu, also known as ‘BL 23’, ‘UB 23’
Zhong Wan, also known as ‘CV 12, Ren-12’
Guan Yuan, also known as ‘CV 4’
Zu San Li, also known as 'ST 36', 'Stomach 36'
San Yin Jiao, also known as ‘SP 6’, ‘Spleen 6’

Saturday, 22 July 2017

Moxibustiontcm & the 12th Chinese Solar Term -- Da Shu

The twelfth Chinese Solar Term is called " Da Shu", "Greater Heat". It's the sixth Solar term in Summer of the year. It comes on 22/07/2017. 
This is the hottest period of a year. In the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, there is correspondence between human and nature. During this Solar term, the Yang Qi, also known as 'Yang Energy', in nature stays at high level, this happens in human body as well.
According to one of the most well known healing principles of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) -- Winter diseases get cared in Summer, this is the golden time of a year for curing / helping chronic conditions get worse in winter, and for diseases prevention.
In this season, moxibustion would be one of the most popular and effective therapies in TCM. It's also one of the easiest ones for people to carry out at home.
The following acupuncture points could be used with moxibustion therapy for regimen and healthcare in this season.
Pi Shu, also known as 'BL 20', 'UB 20'
Shen Shu, also known as 'BL 23', 'UB 23'
Nei Guan, also known as 'Inner Gate',
'P 6', 'Pericardium-6'
Guan Yuan, also known as 'CV 4'
Zu San Li, also known as 'ST 36, ST-36' 
Ying Ling Quan, also known as 'SP 9', 'Spleen 9'
San Yin Jiao, also known as 'SP 6', 'Spleen 6'

Friday, 7 July 2017

Moxibustion & the 11th Chinese Solar Term -- Xiao Shu

The eleventh Chinese Solar Term is called " Xiao Shu", "the lesser heat", "Minor heat'. 'Slight heat'. It's the fifth Solar term in Summer of the year. It occurs on 07/07/2017. 
The heat of Summer rises more. There could be more rainfalls as well. People may feel exhausted and uncomfortable due to the rising heat and increasing humidity. For general health, it's important to nourish the heart to clam mind and to invigorate spleen to eliminate dampness in the system. Moxibustion therapy can be a good option for health preservation and helping ailments during this period of time.
We mentioned a very well known and effective method of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) --"Winter diseases get cared in Summer" in our article 'Moxibustiont & the 10th Chinese solar term'. The countdown for this healing method usually starts from the beginning of this Solar term - Xiao Shu.
The following acupuncture points could be used with moxibustion therapy for regimen and healthcare in this season.
Da Zhui, also known as 'Great Hammer', 'GV 14, GV-14'
Ming Men, also known as 'Gate of vitality', 'Life Gate', 'GV 4'
Zhong Wan, also known as 'CV 12, Ren-12'
Shen Que, also known as 'Spirit Gate', 'CV 8, CV-8'
Guan Yuan, also known as 'CV 4'
Zu San Li, also known as 'ST 36, ST-36' 

Tuesday, 20 June 2017

Moxibustion & the 10th Chinese Solar Term -- Xia Zhi

The tenth Chinese Solar Term is called "Xia Zhi", The Summer Solstice. It's the fourth Solar term in Summer of the year. It is on 21/06/2017.

The longest daytime and the shortest nighttime of the year. The Yang energy in Nature reaches the peak. The Yang Qi (Yang Energy) in human body reaches the peak as well. One of the most important theories in traditional Chinese  medicine (TCM) is that there is correspondence between human and nature. The energy changes in Nature and man are mutually responsive. It's the best time of a year for people to do moxibustion treatment/ moxibustion self-treatment and/or some other Chinese herbal treatments to regulate the function of digestive system's and modulate immunity and to cure/treat some chronic conditions and prevent some conditions getting worse, this method is also known as " Winter disease get cared in Summer". Moxibustion therapy could be a helpful option for people have sub-health in Summer as well.
The following acupuncture points could be used with moxibustion therapy for regimen and healthcare in this season.
Da Zhui,  also known as 'Great Hammer', 'GV 14, GV-14'
Zhi Yang, also known as 'Extremity of Yang', 'GV 9, GV-9'
Ming Men, also known as 'Gate of vitality', 'Life Gate', 'GV 4'

Tan Zhong, also known as 'CV 17, Ren-17'

Shen Que, also known as 'Spirit Gate', 'CV 8, CV-8'

Guan Yuan, also known as 'CV 4'

Zu San Li, also known as 'ST 36, ST-36' 

San Yin Jiao, also known as 'Spleen 6, SP-6'

Monday, 5 June 2017

Moxibustion & the 9th Chinese Solar Term -- Mang Zhong

The ninth Chinese Solar Term is called 'Mang Zhong', 'Mountain crops such as wheat are mature and ready to be harvested'. It is the third Solar term in Summer of a year. It comes on 05/06/2017. 
Temperature and rainfall  increase gradually and humidity of the air increases gradually as well. Due to humid saturation, perspiration is poor and fails to eliminate enough body heat in time. We could feel very tired and uncomfortable. The damp pathogen could affect the function of digestive system and cause poor appetite. Due to the higher and higher temperature, most of people would take more cold foods and drinks which could cause coldness and dampness accumulated in our system even more. During this period of time, for general well being, it would be important to coordinate intestines and stomach and expel pathogenic coldness and dampness. Moxibustion treatment can be very helpful for regulating digestive function.
The following acupuncture points could be used with moxibustion therapy for regimen and healthcare in this season.
Ming Men, also known as 'Gate of vitality', 'Life Gate', 'GV 4'
Shen Shu, also known as 'UB 23, BL-23'
Zhong Wan, also known as 'CV 12, Ren-12'
Guan Yuan, also known as 'CV 4'
Zu San Li, also known as 'ST 36, ST-36' 
San Yin Jiao, also known as 'Spleen 6, SP-6'

Saturday, 20 May 2017

Moxibustion & the 8th Chinese Solar Term -- Xiao Man

The eighth Chinese Solar Term is called 'Xiao Man', 'The lesser fullness of grains'. It is the second Solar term in the Northern Hemisphere in Summer. The seed plumpness of the Summer crops starts. It arrives on 21/05/2017. 

The season of hot and humid days commences. Human body could get affected more easily by humidity in Nature and could accumulate excess dampness more easily as well. This is the good time to expel excess dampness in system by doing moxibustion treatment. 

The following acupuncture points could be reference of clearing excess dampness with moxibustion treatment.

Pi Shu, also known as 'Spleen Shu', 'UB 20, BL-20'

Cheng Shan, also known as 'Mountain Support', 'UB57, BL57'

Feng Long, also known as 'Abundant Buldge', 'ST40'

Nei Guan, also known as 'P6', 'Pericardium 6', 'Inner Gate'

Zhong Wan, also known as 'CV 12, Ren-12'

Shen Que, also known as 'CV 8, Ren-8', it's in the centre of the navel

Zu San Li, also known as 'ST 36, ST-36' 

Feng Long, also known as 'Abundant Bulge', 'ST40'

Ying Ling Quan, also known as 'Yin Mound Spring', 'SP9'

Friday, 5 May 2017

Moxibustion & the 7th Chinese Solar Term -- Li Xia

The seventh Chinese Solar Term is called 'Li Xia', 'the beginning of Summer'. It is the first Solar term in Summer.  It occurs on 05/05/2017 in the Northern Hemisphere. It is the first Chinese Solar Term in Summer. The Yang energy (Yang Qi) in Nature gets a lot stronger than it is in Spring. It rises more quickly in human body as well.
For people have chronic conditions, Summer is the best season to have moxibustion treatment, including moxibustion self-treatment, to help their conditions more. In traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), there is a method of helping conditions get worse in  Winter due to the deficiency of Yang energy (Yang Qi)  throughout Summer to cure them or make them eased more when Winter comes, it's also called: Winter diseases being cared in Summer. 
For health preservation, during this period of time, it's important to warm and tonify Yang energy (Yang Qi), invigorate heart and spleen and strengthen the function of spleen and stomach. 
The following acupuncture points could be used with moxibustion therapy for regimen and healthcare.

Xin Shu, also known as 'Heart Shu', 'UB 15, BL-15'

Pi Shu, also known as 'Spleen Shu', 'UB 20, BL-20'

Nei Guan, also known as 'P6', 'Pericardium 6', 'Inner Gate'

Zhong Wan, also known as 'CV 12, Ren-12'

Shen Que, also known as 'CV 8, Ren-8', it's in the centre of the navel

Qi Hai, also known as 'CV 6, Ren-6'

Zu San Li, also known as ' ST 36, Stomach-36'

Wednesday, 19 April 2017

Moxibustion & the 6th Chinese Solar Term -- Gu Yu

The sixth Chinese Solar Term is called 'Gu Yu', 'Grain Rain'.  It is the last Chinese solar Term in Spring. It falls on 20/04/2017. It is the last Solar term in Spring.  Crops grow due to plentiful rainfall from then on. Temperature goes up more quickly than other time of Spring. The amount of rainfall and higher temperature are very important for crops growth. After this day, the duckweed starts to grow after rainfall, the cuckoo starts to sing and hoopoe starts to appear on mulberry tree.

For general health preservation, during this period of time, digestive system starts to get stronger again and the Heart Qi, energy in heart meridians, starts to get stronger gradually. So, it's very important to nourish and invigorate Spleen Qi, energy in spleen meridians. 

The following acupuncture points could be used with moxibustion therapy for regimen and healthcare.

Xin Shu, also known as 'Heart Shu, BL 15, UB 15'

Pi Shu, also known as ' Spleen Shu, BL 20, UB 20'

Nei Guan, also known as 'Inner Gate, Pericardium 6, P-6'

Zhong Wan, also known as 'CV 12, Ren-12'

Qi Hai, also known as 'CV 6, Ren-6'

Zu San Li, also known as ' ST 36, Stomach-36' 

Yin Ling Quan, also known as 'Spleen9, SP-9'

San Yin Jiao, also known as 'Spleen 6, SP-6'

Tuesday, 4 April 2017

Moxibustion & the 5th Chinese Solar Term -- Qing Ming

The fifth Solar term of the 24 Chinese Solar Terms is called: Qing Ming, The pure brightness. It occurs on 04/04/2017. Grass and trees thrive more from now on. The Yang energy rises more both in Nature and human body.

For health preservation, during this period of time, it's  important to nourish blood and liver and strengthen the function of spleen and stomach. 

The following acupuncture points could be used with moxibustion therapy for regimen and healthcare.

Da Zhui, also known as 'GV14', 'Du-14'

Zhi Yang, also known as 'GV9'

Gan Shu, also known as 'Liver Shu', 'BL18'

Zhong Wan, also known as 'CV 12, Ren-12'

Qi Hai, also known as 'CV 6, Ren-6'

Zu San Li, also known as ' ST 36, Stomach-36' 

Tai Chong, also known as 'LV 3, Liver 3, Great Surge'

Saturday, 1 April 2017

How fast could Moxibustion--Aijiu(艾灸) , help fracture healing?

We have posted some of our clients' encouraging feedbacks about healing injuries, including fractures, with moxibustion, aijiu (艾灸), self treatment  online since approx two years ago. Not sure how many people have read our articles and tried this ancient Chinese natural therapy and got benefits from it. It's one of the therapies of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). It can be carried out properly and safely at home and can be very powerful and effective, sometimes.
In general, functional recovery for stable fractures without complications can be six months and 1-2 years for complex fractures. Sometimes, even for younger people, some can still experience pain, stiffness, swelling, limited movements in related joints months after a fracture and after the cast is removed.
We are writing a case report now and hoping that some people who are recovering from fractures could get good results from trying this home therapy properly after reading this article.
The patient is a boy, 8 years old. He fell and had fracture in his left forearm during the end of  January, 2017. His forearm was put on a cast until 03/03/2017. His parents didn't bring him to see us until 27/02/2017. They  asked if there are any remedies of TCM can help his recovery better. We explained to them that there are some remedies of TCM, including moxibustion, aijiu (艾灸), self treatment  can be helpful for a fracture healing right from the day one after the fracture happens. They agreed to try the moxibustion self treatment on their son once the plaster was removed. We gave them full instructions of how to do this self treatment properly and safely and we did a demonstration to make sure they understood well about the usage, etc.. We also asked them to take photos after the cast is removed and before starting the moxibustion self treatment.
The boy went to see the doctor and got the plaster taken off on 03/03/3017. He complained about the limited movements in his left hand and the pain in his left forearm and hand, especially the pain in his left thumb, index finger and middle finger. The doctor suggested his mother to give him some painkillers for pain relief.  
The following photo is taken on that afternoon after he had gone back home. Comparing the two arms of his, there is swelling not very far from his left wrist.
His mother did the moxibustion home therapy once on that day after taking the above photo. And did this treatment on him twice the next day. He didn't complain about the pain very much after the first treatment, so she didn't give him any painkillers. On the morning of 05/03/2017, his mother told us that he was pain free, the limited movements had been better and the swelling had gone down noticeably. Three treatments of this Chinese natural therapy have given him pain free within 48 hours! It is faster than it normally takes for a lot of people had got the same type of fracture to be pain free. It is faster than a lot of people might have thought!
She spent 30 minutes doing the treatment for him everyday or every other day.  The following photo is taken on 25/03/2017.
It's hard to see any swelling in his left forearm on the photo by then. The swelling went away in three weeks and he has got full movements back. His left dorsal carpal stripe can be seen on the photo more clearly than its on the photo taken on 03/03/2017.
The picture below is to show the difference of his left forearm before the self treatment and three weeks after the treatment. We put two pictures of his left forearm's together. The left one is taken before starting the treatment. The right one is taken three weeks after the treatment.
This case shows again that moxibustion self- treatment is worth trying when people have bone damage. The faster they can recover from the fractures,  the better for them to go back to their normal life, the less pain they would have to experience.
When people can recover faster from their fractures or any other injuries or operations by having moxibustion home therapy safely, it would save medical resources for the whole society as well!
If any person who is unfortunate to have a fracture or recovering from a fracture and would like to try moxibustion treatment at home as well, if you want to discuss your case with us and get further instructions of how to do the self-treatment, please contact us. 
The earlier you start it, the faster could your fracture heal, the less suffering would you need to go through and the sooner would you enjoy your normal life again!
You are welcome to sharing your story of trying this ancient Chinese magic remedy on this platform. Your successful experience would be helpful for other people who need this therapy in future.
Please note: The ways of doing moxibustion self-treatment with and without having a cast on can be very different. It’s important to consult a practitioner/doctor of traditional Chinese medicine experienced in helping people’s conditions with moxibustion therapy and get proper instruction before starting this home therapy. We are happy to tell anyone who would like to turn to us about the details of how to carry it out.

Monday, 20 March 2017

Moxibustion & the 4th Chinese Solar Term -- The Spring Equinox

The fourth Solar Term of the Chinese 24 Solar Term is called: Chun Fen, The Spring Equinox. It comes on 20/03/2017. The length of day and night are almost equal on this day in the Northern Hemisphere. The Yin energy and Yang energy in Nature are equal as well. 

For health preservation, it's important to prevent Liver Qi, the energy in the Liver meridians, ascending too much so that the digestive system, the spleen and the stomach would be protected and nourished.

The following acupuncture points could be used with moxibustion therapy for regimen and healthcare.

Da Zhui, also known as 'GV14', 'Du-14'

Gan Shu, also known as 'Liver Shu', 'BL18'

Zhong Wan, also known as 'CV 12, Ren-12'

Qi Hai, also known as 'CV 6, Ren-6'

Zu San Li, also known as ' ST 36, Stomach-36' 

Tai Chong, also known as ' LV 3, Liver-3'

Saturday, 4 March 2017

Moxibustiont & the 3rd Chinese Solar Term -- Jing Zhe

The third solar term of the 24 solar terms is called "Jing Zhe",  the awakening of insects. It arrives on 05/03/2017.
The traditional Chinese folklore says that from this time, thunderstorms would wake up hibernating insects which indicates the weather is getting warmer.
During this period of time, there could be big temperature changes within a single day. It's still important to keep warm.
This is the time for nourishing Yang energy (Yang Qi) and energy in the live meridians and gallbladder meridians. 
For general wellbeing, the following acupuncture points can be used with moxibustion therapy: 
1. Da Zhui, also known as 'GV14', 'Du-14'
2. Gan Shu, also known as 'Liver Shu', 'BL18'
3. Qi Hai, also named as 'Sea of Qi', 'CV6', 'Ren-6'
4. Yang Chi, also known as 'TH 4'
5. Tai Chong, also named as ' LV 3'

Friday, 17 February 2017

Moxibustion & the 2nd Chinese Solar Term -- Yu Shui

The second Solar term is called ' Yu Shui', also known as ' The rain water' in English. It falls on 18/02/2017.

In general, in most of the Northern Hemisphere at this time of the year, temperature rises above zero degrees Celsius, snow melts,  rainfall gets a little bit more, which is good for the growth of main crops. 

In human body, the Yang energy rises slightly more. Doing some moxibustion treatment on some acupuncture points could be beneficial for human body. It's important to protect and nourish the  digestive system, including liver, gallbladder,  stomach and spleen.

Reference acupuncture points for helping general wellbeing with moxibustion therapy could be: 

Zhong Wan, also known as 'CV 12, Ren-12'

Qi Hai, also known as 'CV 6, Ren-6'

Zu San Li, also known as ' ST 36, Stomach-36' 

Tai Chong, also known as ' LV 3, Liver-3'

Friday, 3 February 2017

Moxibustion & the 1st Chinese Solar Term — Li Chun

The first Solar term is called 'Li Chun', also known as 'the beginning of Spring' in English. It comes on 03/02/2017.

The Yang energy starts to rise more from this Solar term until the Summer Solstice every year. In human body, the Yang energy synchronous rises too. Therefore, It would be good to consider having a session of moxibustion treatment to help general health preservation and also helping some chronic conditions on this particular day or maybe even have a couple of sessions of moxibustion treatments around this period.

For general wellbeing, the following three acupuncture points could be chosen for moxibustion treatments.

1. Qi Hai, also named as ' CV 6, Conception Vessel 6, Ren-6, Sea of Qi, Ocean of energy, Dan tian'.

This point stores Yang energy.

Working on this point with moxibustion, it would tonify the Yang energy in the system and help its rising.

2. Qu Chi, also named as 'Large Intestine Point 11, LI 11'.

Doing moxibustion treatment on this point, it could help the rising Yang energy and be good for eye sight.

3. Tai Chong, also named as 'Liver 3, LV 3'.

This point is very important for helping the energy flows well in the Liver Meridians. Having acupressure, acupuncture or/and moxibustion treatment on this point, it should help the Yang energy rise and protect the Liver. This point also has good effects on reducing stress, anger and anxious and helping low moods.

Friday, 20 January 2017

Moxibustion & the 24th Chinese Solar Term

The twenty-fourth Chinese Solar Term is called 'Da Xue', 'The greater cold'. The coldest time of a year. It's the sixth Solar Term in Winter of the year. It arrives on 20/01/2017. The 23rd and the 24th Chinese Solar Term are the coldest period of time each year in the Northern Hemisphere.
 The extremity reached, the course reversed. In the Northern Hemisphere, temperature gets to the lowest level of the year. The Yin Qi (Ying Energy) in Nature reaches its peak and the Yang Qi (Yang Energy) rises very slowly but steadily between Winter Solstice and the end of this period of time. There is correspondence between man and universe. So, The same energy exchange happens in human body as well. This is a good time to do some moxibustion treatment to help the energy alteration and prevent getting ailments.
The following acupuncture points could be used with moxibustion therapy for regimen and healthcare during this period of time.
Da Zhui, also known as 'GV 14', 'Great Hammer', 'Large Vertebra'
Shen Shu, also known as ‘BL-23’, ‘UB 23’
Shen Que, also known as ‘Spirit Gate’, ‘CV 8’, ‘Ren-08’
Guan Yuan, also known as ‘CV 4’, ‘Ren-04’, ‘Origin pass’, ‘Gate of the source’, 'Gate of origin'
Zu San Li, also known as 'ST 36', 'Stomach 36'
San Yin Jiao, also known as 'SP 6'
Yong Quan, also known as ‘ KD 1’, ‘KI-01’, ‘Gushing Spring’, ‘Bubbling well’

Thursday, 5 January 2017

Moxibustion & the 23rd Chinese Solar Term

The twenty-third Chinese Solar Term is called 'Xiao Han', 'The lesser cold'. The temperature drops even more and the weather gets cold and freezing in many places in the Northern Hemisphere. This period of time normally is the coldest time of the year in China. It's the fifth Solar Term in Winter of the year. It arrives on 05/01/2017.
The following acupuncture points could be used with moxibustion therapy for regimen and healthcare during this period of time.
Da Zhui, also known as 'GV 14', 'Great Hammer', 'Large Vertebra'
Shen Shu, also known as ‘BL-23’, ‘UB 23’
Dan Zhong, also known as 'CV 17'
Shen Que, also known as ‘Spirit Gate’, ‘CV 8’, ‘Ren-08’
Guan Yuan, also known as ‘CV 4’, ‘Ren-04’, ‘Origin pass’, ‘Gate of the source’, 'Gate of origin'
Yong Quan, also known as ‘ KD 1’, ‘KI-01’, ‘Gushing Spring’, ‘Bubbling well’