Tuesday 20 June 2017

Moxibustion & the 10th Chinese Solar Term -- Xia Zhi

The tenth Chinese Solar Term is called "Xia Zhi", The Summer Solstice. It's the fourth Solar term in Summer of the year. It is on 21/06/2017.

The longest daytime and the shortest nighttime of the year. The Yang energy in Nature reaches the peak. The Yang Qi (Yang Energy) in human body reaches the peak as well. One of the most important theories in traditional Chinese  medicine (TCM) is that there is correspondence between human and nature. The energy changes in Nature and man are mutually responsive. It's the best time of a year for people to do moxibustion treatment/ moxibustion self-treatment and/or some other Chinese herbal treatments to regulate the function of digestive system's and modulate immunity and to cure/treat some chronic conditions and prevent some conditions getting worse, this method is also known as " Winter disease get cared in Summer". Moxibustion therapy could be a helpful option for people have sub-health in Summer as well.
The following acupuncture points could be used with moxibustion therapy for regimen and healthcare in this season.
Da Zhui,  also known as 'Great Hammer', 'GV 14, GV-14'
Zhi Yang, also known as 'Extremity of Yang', 'GV 9, GV-9'
Ming Men, also known as 'Gate of vitality', 'Life Gate', 'GV 4'

Tan Zhong, also known as 'CV 17, Ren-17'

Shen Que, also known as 'Spirit Gate', 'CV 8, CV-8'

Guan Yuan, also known as 'CV 4'

Zu San Li, also known as 'ST 36, ST-36' 

San Yin Jiao, also known as 'Spleen 6, SP-6'

Monday 5 June 2017

Moxibustion & the 9th Chinese Solar Term -- Mang Zhong

The ninth Chinese Solar Term is called 'Mang Zhong', 'Mountain crops such as wheat are mature and ready to be harvested'. It is the third Solar term in Summer of a year. It comes on 05/06/2017. 
Temperature and rainfall  increase gradually and humidity of the air increases gradually as well. Due to humid saturation, perspiration is poor and fails to eliminate enough body heat in time. We could feel very tired and uncomfortable. The damp pathogen could affect the function of digestive system and cause poor appetite. Due to the higher and higher temperature, most of people would take more cold foods and drinks which could cause coldness and dampness accumulated in our system even more. During this period of time, for general well being, it would be important to coordinate intestines and stomach and expel pathogenic coldness and dampness. Moxibustion treatment can be very helpful for regulating digestive function.
The following acupuncture points could be used with moxibustion therapy for regimen and healthcare in this season.
Ming Men, also known as 'Gate of vitality', 'Life Gate', 'GV 4'
Shen Shu, also known as 'UB 23, BL-23'
Zhong Wan, also known as 'CV 12, Ren-12'
Guan Yuan, also known as 'CV 4'
Zu San Li, also known as 'ST 36, ST-36' 
San Yin Jiao, also known as 'Spleen 6, SP-6'