In the Northern Hemisphere, The Yin energy reaches its peak in a year. The shortest daytime and the longest nighttime of a year. The Yin Qi (Yin Energy) in human body reaches the peak as well. One of the most important theories in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is that there is correspondence between human and nature. The energy changes in Nature and man are mutually responsive. It's the time of a year for people to do moxibustion treatment/ moxibustion self-treatment and/or some other Chinese remedies, including herbal treatment and Qi Gong (Chi Kung) exercises to consolidate renal, replenish vital essence and modulate immunity and to cure/treat some chronic conditions and prevent some conditions getting worse and restore the vital life force better for next year. Moxibustion therapy could be a helpful option for people have sub-health in Winter as well.
The following acupuncture points could be used with moxibustion therapy for regimen and healthcare in this season.
Guan Yuan, also known as 'CV 4', 'Ren 4', 'Gate of origin', 'Origin pass'
Zu San Li, also known as 'ST 36, ST-36'
San Yin Jiao, also known as 'Spleen 6, SP-6'